A certain forgetful and rather boring wee minister went to a special service one day at a new church, where a very charismatic preacher was giving forth. The minister was very impressed with the oratory, but especially so when the guest preacher delivered the following:
“You know, I spent the best years of my life in the arms of a woman who was not my wife.” The assembly gasped as he let the words sink in. With a glint in his eye he said “And she was my mother.”
The crowd laughed fulsomely at this and the wee minister, as he made his way home, decided he would try out this humour business at his own service the very next day.
Well, telling jokes was never his strong point and he got rather flustered. He began well.
“I want to tell you all today that I spent the best years of my life in the arms of a woman who was not my wife.”
The congragation sat bolt upright (for once) and shocked whispers buzzed around the church as they stared incredulously at their spiritual leader.
Confused, and thoroughly embarrassed, he could not remember the punchline, and had to admit lamely.
“And even worse, I have forgotton who she was now.”