
Taking A Bite Out Of Heart Attacks

Taking A Bite Out Of Heart Attacks

For more than 40 years, scientists have known that good dental hygiene is essential, not only to preserve the health of your teeth and mouth but your heart as well. That’s why many people with heart issues, are given antibiotics prior to any dental procedures – because it is becoming more evident through research, that gum disease has some correlation with the incidence of heart attacks.

In comparative studies of those who have, and don’t have gum disease, as many as 85% of the former have eventually suffered a cardiac event. Of particular interest, was the fact that people with gum disease who had one heart attack, showed an elevated level of the C-reactive protein, or CRP in their blood, afterward. The theory holds that individuals who have gum disease or heart attacks, show an elevated inflammatory reaction which thrusts more CPR into the bloodstream. Because inflammatory responses can cause circulatory problems, studies of people with gum disease are now focusing on the statistics for heart attack and stroke.

Current research is working towards determining whether aggressive treatment of periodontal disease in those people with heart problems, can actually help to prevent life-threatening cardiac issues.

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