
Brushing Up On Maternal Dental Care

Brushing Up On Maternal Dental Care

Once upon a time, an old wives tale advised that a tooth was lost for every pregnancy. But there’s no need to lose teeth when expecting, unless your dental care is not kept up to par.

Cleaning all sides of your teeth: front, back, both ends and the tops, keeps plaque from developing, and clears away harmful bacteria, that can cause gum disease. Women who have poor dental health may be prone to gum infections such as gingivitis, which poses potential risks to the fetus, from bacteria that enters the mother’s bloodstream.

To take care of yourself and your baby, brush regularly, with a toothpaste recommended by your dentist. Those experiencing morning sickness may want to brush after being ill, but while that gets rid of the taste/odor, it can also wash away some of the tooth enamel damaged by the acid of stomach contents. It is better for your teeth, to wipe paste on them with a finger, and then rinse, which will re-mineralize the teeth.

The altered hormonal balance of pregnancy, can often leave women with gums that are more easily irritated. That’s why it’s important to carry out a regular brushing regimen, preferably twice a day, using a soft-bristled brush.

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