
The wee man

The wee man

Three motorcyclists enter a transport cafe and think to have a bit of a laugh at a small man who is eating his breakfast. They swagger up to him and begin teasing him about his height, but he just silently munches on.

Annoyed that nothing is getting to him one of them grabs the man’s plate and dumps it on top of his head. As runny egg runs down his face, the wee man slowly chews what is in his mouth, then licks his fingers clean, wipes the remains of his breakfast from his head and slowly makes his way, wordless, out of the cafe.

Positively annoyed at the lack of demonstration on the wee man’s part, the swarthiest of the three heroes saunters up to the waitress.

“Hey, not much of a man that one, eh?”

“Don’t know about that,” she says, looking out the window, “What I will say is, he’s not much of a lorry driver. He’s just ran over and crushed three motorcyles.”

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